In the village, the atmosphere is very peaceful. There is no noise or sound. The air is pure and fresh. Birds are chirping in the trees.
A. key points
a summary is for the audience to quickly grasp the entire article/story/passage(etc.), it should be short and sweet, consisting only of the key points. your personal opinions are not required. background information is unessential, because it would cause your summary to be too long, and summaries are meant to be short so as to bring out the main topics only, not cover the entire passage. minor examples are optional to include, but not needed as well.
Do you still need help with this question?
Answer: A. avoided
Taylor Lautner left through the back door knowing that people had waited for him on the first day and the second. He had therefore avoided them in using the backdoor so that he would not have to interact with the students waiting outside the school to see him.
It is understandable that celebrities are quite busy and can get exhausted by the constant attention but every once in a while they should remember to honor their fans whose support keeps them working.