Answer: False
Web designers are not using programming languages to write websites.
You need to provide "the following", otherwise other users cannot answer your question.
However, the Java operator for "not equal to" is "!=".
// For example.
if (1 != 2) {
System.out.println("1 doesn't equal 2");
The if-statement in the code above will always run, since 1 is not equal to 2.
Answer: Joystick is the only one that makes sense, a stylus and digitizer are both used on drawing tablets, not computer games.
<u>see </u><u>below</u><u>:</u>
One is (the cursor).
Whenever you see a flashing vertical line called-the cursor--you can start typing.Note that the mouse pointer is also called a cursor,but it is shaped differently.The keyboard cursor is also called the insertion point.