1 gallon [US, liquid] to litres = 3.78541 litres
5 gallon [US, liquid] to litres = 18.92706 litres
10 gallon [US, liquid] to litres = 37.85412 litres
15 gallon [US, liquid] to litres = 56.78118 litres
20 gallon [US, liquid] to litres = 75.70824 litres
25 gallon [US, liquid] to litres = 94.6353 litres
30 gallon [US, liquid] to litres = 113.56235 litres
40 gallon [US, liquid] to litres = 151.41647 litres
50 gallon [US, liquid] to litres = 189.27059 litres
we could tell that 2.2 gallons are in between 8.327906 litres
the fundamental unit of heredity
DNA is a double stranded helix structure. Each strand is made up of a string of nucleotides.
A gene is a region of DNA, usually tens of thousands of nucleotides long. At the simplest level, one gene encodes for one trait. Therefore, the gene can be described as the fundamental unit of heredity.
Genes work by coding for specific proteins, which carry out essentially all the functions in the cell.
Floodplains, alluvial fans, and mines.
2, 4, 1, 3, 5
the tiles go into the sequence in that order.
first one is tile 2, second is tile 4, etc.