Answer: Macduff and his men cut off tree branches and hide behind them while approaching Macbeth's castle.
In Shakespeare's <em>Macbeth</em>, Macbeth kills King Duncan in order to become a king, and eventually comes to the throne. However, his life turns into nightmare and he lives in constant fear that someone is going to kill him out of revenge.
The three witches tell Macbeth that he would not be defeated until Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane. This makes Macbeth relaxed, as he finds it impossible for the trees to move. However, Macduff's army cuts off the tree branches on their way to Macbeth's castle, which, if observed from the distance, looked like the trees were moving. That is how the witches' prophecy comes true.
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In some countries, freedom of political expression, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and internet democracy are considered important to ensure that voters are well informed, enabling them to vote according to their own interests.
Obviously I'm not going to write an entire essay for you but I can help you organize it and get a start on it.
The average essay consists of 5 paragraphs each being 5-7 sentences or more long. The first paragraph is your introductory paragraph which introduces the reader to the topic you will be discussing and your stance on it. The next three body paragraphs are your three supporting details to support your stance and explain why. Your final paragraph is your conclusion to condense and restate your opinion and reasoning.
Your first paragraph would start out along the lines of "___ is a story written by Bradbury. It is about __(character) who __(goal of main character). It takes place in __(setting) where __(character) ___(plot of story). Throughout the story Bradbury sets a strong tone of ___(tone of story). This can be seen by __(word choice, setting, etc).
Your next three (or more) body paragraphs would start out with specific examples of how he set the tone. This would include things such as the word choice used, the setting of the story, how its described, and so on. Each paragraph would focus on one detail and then elaborate on how it helps set the tone.
Your conclusion paragraph would then restate your main idea (the tone of the story) and summarize how the details you provided set this tone.