World War II
World War II devastated most of Europe. In particular, countries like Germany, France and Britain were greatly affected by the war.
European leaders did not want to repeat the same story. They met to discuss the alternatives to keep another war form happening. They decided that linking the European economies together was the most effective way to prevent war.
Six nations: The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany and Italy, formed in 1952 the European Coal and Steel Community, the antecessor of the European Union.
There were numerous restrictions to enforce social control: slaves could not be away from their owner's premises without permission; they could not assemble unless a white person was present; they could not own firearms; they could not be taught to read or write, nor could they transmit or possess “inflammatory”
At its height in 1919–1920, concerns over the effects of radical political agitation in American society and the alleged spread of communism and anarchism in the American labor movement fueled a general sense of concern
What did the Incas and Romans have in common?
Both the Romans and the Incas were polytheistic; they believed in variety of gods and goddesses, many of whom represented natural forces such as the sun, moon, thunder, and lightning. There were differences in their religions.
This is all I have, I hope it helps. ;)