Because he lost hope when Johnny died. ... He denied that Johnny had the knife or that Johnny was dead.
Obsessive compulsive.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental illness that causes repeated unwanted thoughts or sensations (obsessions) or the urge to do something over and over again (compulsions). Some people can have both obsessions and compulsions.
OCD isn’t about habits like biting your nails or thinking negative thoughts. An obsessive thought might be that certain numbers or colors are “good” or “bad.” A compulsive habit might be to wash your hands seven times after touching something that could be dirty. Although you may not want to think or do these things, you feel powerless to stop.
Reform social welfare department
The answer is option a- as the European colonisers attempted to covert the Indigenous people to Christianity, for the sole purpose of establishing a society that was, in their view, more colonial.
I've worked in fastfood resturaunts, even though most had 4-5, you could easily feel like a puppet.