A framework is a foundation upon which something may be constructed. It is a set of guidelines, notions, or principles that are applied while making plans or decisions.
A framework, in general, is a physical or conceptual structure used to support or serve as a roadmap for the construction of something that enlarges the original structure it in to something useful.
The moral underpinning of both religion and society serves as its foundation, or bedrock. the basis or natural ground on which a structure is built. the lowest section of a structure, wall, or the like, typically made of masonry and partially or completely below the earth.
Basically, we can say that frameworks are built on some foundations whereas foundations are the beginning and frameworks are the means to reach the end of a process.
To know more about foundations:
A diary entry is a section of writing within your diary that is organized by date. Since diary entries are like chapters in a book, you first have to decide what your book period of time, each of your entries should be dated based on when you write them. If you feel like you're at a loss for words, just keep writing through it.
pronoun is he as it is used instead of noun or name.
Tuskegee establishes a night-school in 1884 to accommodate students who cannot afford to attend the institution. Tuskegee models its night-school after the night-school at Hampton Institute, requiring students to work for ten hours during the day at a trade or industry and to study for two hours in the evening. Only students who cannot afford the board of day-school can attend. The Treasury keeps all but a little of the students’ wages, so that when students eventually transfer to the day-school they have means to pay their tuition. This process usually takes two years. The difficulty of the night-school is the most severe test of a student’s dedication and commitment due to the long hours and level of discipline the program requires. Washington observes that many of Tuskegee’s most successful students began their study at the night-school.
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In the story Sasanian the King of India and China, decided to marry a virgin every day and have her executed the next day, to avoid infidelity. The Vizier's daughter Scheherazade was forced to marry the king, because he was not able to find any other virgins. Survival for Scheherazade becomes the main objective in her tale telling to the king. Every night she would tell a story to the king and did not tell the end until the next night, therefore avoid her being executed, then the following night she would end the previous tale and started a new one and left the end untold. That process continued for 1001 nights.