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Definition of Feudalism
a 9th to the 15th European political system in which a lord owned all the land while serfs farmed it
Examples of Feudalism in a sentence
During European Feudalism, most people were poor serfs who lived in poverty and served the lords of the kingdom.
Kings had the ultimate power during feudalism, but also passed down some of their control to wealthy lords and barons.
Knights in Europe during the 12th century were a part of a political system known as feudalism.
Feudalism reigned in Japan many centuries ago, where emperors ruled all of their kingdoms with an iron fist.
During feudalism, Medieval feasts were held in the homes of the wealthy lords to celebrate the plentiful harvests
the state constitution gives rules of how the governor should handle situations and the us constitution tells the government how to
The Answer Is Ferns I Think
All men regardless of class, not women.
Road Crash Statistics. Nearly 1.3 million people<span> die in road crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day. An additional 20-50 million are injured or disabled. More than half of all road traffic deaths occur among young adults ages 15-44.</span>