Torture in the Medieval Inquisition began in 1252 with a papal bull Ad Extirpanda and ended in 1816 when another papal bull forbade its use. Although the torture that was sanctioned by the bull was less severe than the torture that could be found in contemporary secular courts.
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Taxation without representation means that the colonists believed that they should not be taxed by a government, if they were not even allowed to hold office in said government. The colonists considered this a problem because even though the French-Indian war had put a dent in British economy, the colonists were not even allowed to decide whether the war should happen in the first place. After all it was their homeland. In addition the colonists, not being allowed to hold office, could not propose any modifications to the taxes.
what got people motivated was that it basically said that if you lived on the government given land for 5 years than it was yours.
Social Safety Net. The Social Safety Net of the United States is made up of various Welfare Programs to protect low-income Americans from poverty and hardship. The programs are meant to be a safety net to catch Americans if they fall on hard times. The goal is to get Americans of sound body and mind back on their feet.