The purpose of the group was to liberate Serbs under the Austro-Hungarian occupation. They also undertook anti-Austrian propaganda and organized spies and saboteurs to operate within the occupied provinces. Satellite groups were formed in Slovenia, Bosnia, Herzegovina and Istria.
The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) gathered huge support in the mid 1920s but quickly died off after that. they still exist today, but are a small group.
He would pay a fine.
Using Greenleafable's answer (he/she is a the brainly level Quality Assurance), I am going to say that, "It says in article 198 that hurting a freed man would result in paying a fine. Whipping and things like that happened for other people in the situation or if the man paying the fine did not have the money to pay a fine.
The correct matches are as follows:
1.PENTECOST :Feast of the week when the Holy Spirit fill the 120 disciples.
2. BETHANY: Home town of Mary, Martha and Lazarus Bethany.
3. CANA OF GALILEE: Place where Jesus performed His first miracle.
4. FORTY DAYS AND FORTY NIGHTS : Number of days Jesus was in the wilderness when he was tempted by satan.
5. JOHN THE BAPTIST: Prophet like Elijah who preached repentance.
6. TWELVE YEARS: Age of Jesus when he visited Jerusalem.
7. CAESAR AUGUSTUS: Roman Emperor when Jesus was born.