Most of the workers are<em> young immigrants</em>. They were Russian Jews or Italians, some of them were also from Hungary and Germany. Nearly all of them spoke little to no English. Their age ranged from 12 to 15 years old. Sometimes the whole family (mother, daughter, sister) was employed at the factory. They were paid at piecework rates, so that the pay depended on the skill of the work done and on how quickly one worked.
They worked 7 days a week, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. with a half hour lunch break, sometimes non stop. They were paid about 6$ a week. The Factory was described as unsanitary and the women had to leave the building to use the bathroom. There was only one fire escape and one elevator.
Answer: willam h harrison
The best toothpaste is crest
The messages the government was trying to send in the film "Duck and Cover" were:
- surviving the atomic bomb
- surviving the atomic bomb attack depends in being prepared and knowing what to do.
The phrase "duck and cover" meant putting one's self into duck position and covering. The idea behind the saying was that if one "ducked and covered", one would be able to survive an atomic bomb. It was released in 1952 during the Cold War, when there were threats that the Soviet Union would drop an atomic bomb on American territory.
The allies did not stop fascist aggression in the 1930's because the liberal progressives of that era underestimated the danger. They wanted a stronger Germany to act as a buffer between the Soviet Union and the rest of Europe.