President Woodrow Wilson argued for the formation of the League of Nation. Wilson envisioned a future in which the international community could preempt another conflict as devastating as the First World War by coming together. H<span>e argued that isolationism did not work in a world in which violent revolutions spilled across borders.</span>
<em>The purpose of the political and social movement was to address problems associated with urbanization and industrialization in urban centers.
The modern progress was made possible because of the education system that has been improved and dissemination of improved mobility of labor. This has been easier through possible through urbanization and industrialization. Ultimately the freedom of education, expression, and independence in education has been prevalent in modern society.
The political and social movements, therefore, have continued to grow with jointly with another democratic political system. They have also been involved in democratization in the last 20 decades.
A. NGO's have more limited budgets.
Answer: The benefits to Europe form the eighteenth-century trade pattern includes supplies like whale oil, fur, iron. lumber, ginger, silk, rice, indigo, tobacco, sugar, molasses, fruit, meat, fish, rum, and grain. Also they made money exporting manufactured goods to North America.