During an El Niño, the trade winds weaken in the central and western Pacific.Surface water temperatures off South America warm up, because there is lessupwelling of the cold water from below to cool the surface. The clouds and rainstorms associated with warm ocean waters also shift toward the east.Aug 20, 2015
Sexual harassment is when you make any unwanted sexual based comments or actions towards another person.
Gender discrimination is when you treat someone as unequal based solely on their gender.
Sexual Orientation Discrimination is when you treat someone as unequal based solely on the subject of their Sexual Orientation (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Straight etc)
Based on the scenario being described within the question it can be said that Duncan most likely found out that parental income is strongly correlated with academic achievement, especially in low-income families. Meaning the more education that the parents in a household possess the higher the overall family income would seem to be. This is mainly due to the parents having more labor opportunities.
When adult guidance is needed, it is important to understand individual needs and behaviors of children at various stages. This is also true with discipline. The goal of discipline is not to influence behavior through fear of punishment, but to support the development of self-control and problem-solving skills