Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper either favoring or opposing mandatory (required) school uniforms. Your lett
er should: Describe the purpose of rules about what students are allowed to wear to school, using one of the three sociological approaches: structural-functional approach, social-conflict approach, or symbolic-interaction approach. Be sure to indicate which approach you are using.
Describe one way each of the following factors affects student dress as it relates to the school uniform issue:
Social class
Gender socialization
Take a position for or against mandatory school uniforms, drawing arguments from some of the points above.
Dress code is nessassery but people shouldn't be shamed. Girls should not show there breasts but not show there stomachs either. A little expose is okey but to the point nipple is almost out is inappropriate. Now boys do get away with alot but they should be wearing shirts and be wearing above the knee shorts. If someone is Gay the school should not sham but show support. If someone has a bad personality you should not give them detention you should make something else fun without continued influening bad behavior. But if someone has a good sweet and gentle personality there usually bullied. I'm not joking. But you should always not show favorites because someone will be Self Observed or feel worse about themselves then that causes bulling to develop.
The French Revolution was a period of far-reaching social and political upheaval in France that lasted from 1789 until 1799. It was also partiality leaded by Napoleon later expansion of the French empire
The era is marked by profound technical advancements such as the printing press, linear perspective in drawing, patent law, double shell domes and bastion fortresses.
The category of the U.S. population in which women do most of the housework is married people who have children. This has been true for thousands of years because women are the caretakers and men mostly go to work. This should stop because women are equal to men and they should both be able to have a job.