i would say they mix it with something else to make it cook easier
1) Founder effect and genetic drift: Small colonizing population did not represent the original gene pool of the source population and was more likely to undergo genetic drift.
2) Natural selection
Evolution of the population of the finches with larger beaks might have occurred due to one of the following mechanisms:
a) Founder effect and genetic drift: Since the size of the colonizing population was small, it did not carry all the genes and their alleles present in the gene pool of the original population. The small population size made it more likely to evolve by any chance event.
b) Natural selection: The availability of different food types in the new habitat led to the natural selection of the larger beaks as the finches with larger beaks might have been able to better exploit the available food resources.
The right answer is C.
Classically positive interactions or facilitators between species are divided into two broad categories:
- those where the two partners involved benefit from each other: the mutualisms (symbolized by + / +)
- those where one of the two partners makes a profit or an advantage while the other gets nothing from it without being affected negatively: it is the commensalism symbolized by + / 0.
It may be that bacterial commensalism has an interest in its host (the animal) in the sense that it protects against parasites, or on the contrary, it favors their appearance.
c. increase the surface area available for hydrolysis by lipase
Emulsification of fats(fatty acid) is a chemical reaction where large molecules(globules) of fats are broken down into a smaller molecules (droplets) by the action of an emulsifier.
In the human body, emulsification takes places in the duodenum during the process of digestion of fats. When large fat molecules have been broken down into smaller fat molecules by action of an emulsifier called bile salts from the gall bladder, a larger surface area is created which makes it possible for the enzyme lipase from the pancreas to react with or act on fat molecules through the process of hydrolysis thereby converting the fats to fatty acids and glycerol for use by the body.