<em>The Jan. 21</em> total lunar eclipse will be the last one until May 2021, and the last one visible from the United States until 2022; the most recent total lunar eclipse previous to this one appeared in July 2018.
prokaryotic are unicellular organisms
eukaryotic are multicellular
Prokaryotic need only one parent to reproduce
Eukaryotic need 2 parents to reproduce
not see clearly yrr.........
Antimicrobial agent
Antimicrobial agents are agents that helps fight against microorganism. The couple occur in natural or synthetic form.
Antibiotics are synthesis from natural source such as mold, bacteria to fight against various diseases.
Cephalothin produce by mold is an example of a natural antimicrobial that is produce by mold to kill microorganism causing various illnesses it could be further process into a synthetic antimicrobial agent and can be used as antibiotics.
Racism is one of the leading causes of social identity based on and associated with the foundations of prejudice.