Insulin controls blood sugar by lowering it, glucagon tells the liver to release its stored sugar into the blood stream, increasing blood sugar.
1) In mitosis, a single cell is divided into two daughter cells while in meiosis a single cell is divided into four daughter cells.
2) Mitosis occurs in body cells in which sperm and egg cells combine and make a diploid zygote while meiosis are present in sex cells in which haploid cells are produced.
3) In mitosis, the number of chromosome is double i. e. Diploid while in meiosis the number of chromosome is half i. e. haploid.
the CAP
agricultural ADJECTIVE
relating to farming
aquaculture NOUN
the cultivation for food of fish and other animals and plants that live in water
the CAP
the Common Agricultural Policy: a set of laws about farming and food production made by the European Union
farm NOUN
an area of land used for growing crops or keeping animals
harvest VERB
to collect plants, animals, or other things that can be eaten or used