More it helps you get your feelings out
1. Treating everyone equally without any biases of caste, color or creed
2. Respect for everyone's dignity.
3. Creating awareness amongst the people regarding discrimination.
As a South Africa citizen it is your duty to to treat everyone equally without any prejudice of caste, color or creed. Creating and awarb Amongst the citizens of south Africa through meetings, gatherings, workshops and public discussions. And making everyone respec each other’s dignity by not using abusive and derogatory words on thier compatriots.
The answer is pragmatism.
Simply put, pragmatism is the thought that an idea or concept needs to be useful to society, otherwise it is worthless. Pragmatism rejects the idea that words and ideas are a reflection of reality, and instead sees them as a tool for problem-solving.
Pragmatists believe that all ideas should be viewed in relation to their practical effects.
The answers are in this order:
1. Southwest Asia;
2. East Asia;
3. Southeast Asia;
4. South Asia;
5. Central Asia and Siberian Russia;
Asia is the biggest continent on the Earth, so it is no wonder that it has multiple regions, five to be more specific, all of which are relatively big on their own. Each of these regions has its own unique, characteristics, linguistically, religiously, culturally, in the physical appearance of the people... Also, each of these regions has its own unique geography, while some are dominated with arid and semi-arid landscapes like Southwest Asia, some like Southeast Asia are covered with tropical rainforest, while Easy Asia is dominated by the continental climates with monsoon influences. Some are dominated by highlands while some are dominated with mountains etc.
It was influenced by the Asian, Native, and Latino culture