Because the U.S. didn't want war with Mexico and Mexico claimed that Texas was their land even though Mexico lost the war.
joining Upper and Lower Egypt into a single monarchy
Provides crucial mobility in urban areas. The interstate highways provide a backbone transportation system that expedites urban trips for automobiles, buses, and trucks, while reducing traffic congestion on non-interstate arterials.
These are just some of his positions in the Soviet Union.
1. First Secretary to the Supreme Soviet in 1974
2. He was appointed as a member of the Politburo last 1979.
3. General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1985 until 1991.
4. General Secretary of the Politburo in 1985.5. He was the country's head of state from 1988 until 1991
6. The First Party Secretary of the Stavropol Regional Committee
Structure body and conclusion