The following code is written in Java. It creates the interface/prototype, the function, and the main method call. The function takes in the three int parameters, adds them, and then checks if the sum equals zero, outputting the correct boolean value. Output can be seen in the picture attached below. Due to technical difficulties I had to add the code as a txt file below.
harris_poll_ranking = int(input("Enter team's Harris Poll ranking [1 - 2,850]: "))
coaches_poll_ranking = int(input("Enter team's Coaches Poll ranking [1 - 1,475]: "))
computer_ranking = float(input("Enter team's computer ranking [0 - 1]: "))
harris_poll_score = harris_poll_ranking / 2850
coaches_poll_score = coaches_poll_ranking / 1475
bcs_score = harris_poll_score / 3 + coaches_poll_score / 3 + computer_ranking / 3
*The code is in Python.
Ask the user to enter the harris_poll_ranking as int, coaches_poll_ranking as int and computer_ranking as float
Calculate the harris_poll_score, divide the harris_poll_ranking by 2850
Calculate the coaches_poll_score, divide the coaches_poll_ranking by 1475
Calculate the bcs_score, harris_poll_score, coaches_poll_score and computer_ranking by 3 and sum them
Print the bcs_score
They will spin in the opposite direction because the belts are twisted.
1. Through cooperation.
2. Understanding the market and the organization.
Information Technology can transform the way business processes in an organization only if there is cooperation in the company. The cooperation is that everyone is to agree on the change that it is going to cause.
An information Technologist can change the way business process if he or her understand the maker of the company and the company.
The major point is this:
1. The company must cooperate.
2. Everybody must accept change for it to grow higher.
3. Understand the market of the company and
4. understand the company and how they operate and then change and replace the parts that need replacement.
An authentication server server tracks who is logging on to the network as well as which services on the network are available to each user. It also does the job of providing a network service that applications can use to authenticate the credentials, that are oftentimes account names and passwords, of their users. Authentication server is also used as the basis for authorization.