The prewriting process should include brainstorming a topic, deciding on which topic on which to write, research of a topic, organizing the research into a comprehensive whole. Check out an APA style textbook, should be available at the library, and it should have more results in the prewriting process. Of course, the writing process itself depends on the individual and his or her cognitive process on writing.
That would be (A) because an IDS stands for Intrusion detection system which means that when there’s malicious activity or policy violations. Any malicious activity or violation is typically reported either to an administrator.
Close or disable all unused running apps.
Closing programs running in the background on your computer or mobile device helps to free up system resources for your other programs. These problems can be resolved where your system is running slowly or two programs are trying to use the same device hence causing the device or system to drag.
An Access Control Matrix ACM can be defined as a table that maps the permissions of a set of subjects to act upon a set of objects within a system. The matrix is a two-dimensional table with subjects down the columns and objects across the rows. The permissions of the subject to act upon a particular object are found in the cell that maps the subject to that object.
The rows correspond to the subject
The columns correspond to the object
What does each cell in the matrix contain? Answer: Each cell is the set of access rights for that subject to that object.