Answer: 1920- Hair Dryer
1920- First radio station
1920- The Thompson Sub-Machine Gun
1920- The Band Aid
1921- First robot built
1923- Traffic Signal
1925- Mechanical Television
1926- Liquid Fueled Rockets
1928- Penicillin
1929- Car radio
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was a French explorer who is credited with the discovery of Little Rock, Arkansas. He was the first known French explorer to set foot in the future state of Oklahoma.
The Renaissance was a cultural movement that was born in Florence, Italy, and aimed at transforming the dogmatic thinking of the time through the ideas of humanism. This means seeing the world in different ways using art, philosophy, science and politics to create a new vision of man and his role in the world. The deep sleep to which Erasmus refers is the backwardness that was lived at the time in the sixteenth century that was due to the obscurantism in which dogmatic and rigid ideas predominated, for which the rebirth was the awakening of society in which knowledge becomes the fundamental pillar and no longer religion. In this way the theocentrism is abandoned and this allowed for example the discovery of new lands that would later be colonized, discoveries are made in astrology and revolutionary ideas arise as those of Copernico and his heliocentric theory.
Chronologicznie dane wydarzenia miały miejsce odpowiednio w latach 1000, 1025 i 1109.
- <u><em>Konwencja gnieźnieńska odbyła się w 1000 roku. Było to spotkanie księcia Bolesława z cesarzem Otto III.
- <u><em>Później koronacja królewska księcia Bolesława odbywa się po śmierci Henryka II w 1024 roku. Przerwa w Niemczech spowodowała spustoszenie. Stąd Bolesław, widząc w tym swoją przewagę, koronował się na króla. Miejsce i data tej koronacji są nadal nieznane.
- <u><em>Wojna polsko-niemiecka miała miejsce 24 sierpnia 1109 r. W Śląskim Mieście.</em></u>