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isiehduhddh was in his boyfriend and he had to be a part in a very good job 7and he is not sad about it is so i really loved him to be a man 4of the world
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We can infer that the death of Confucius’ son, Carp is ironic, he suffered an early death when the symbolism of the carp fish is longevity, because carps can get very old, it also represents the dragons due to big scales on the body of a carp. According to the meaning of the carp Confucius’ son, Carp, should have a long live which did not happen.
Jonah is curious about kayakingb. jonah watches an online tutorial about paddling a kayak. c. jonah hears about a nearby lake with kayak rental for people of all ages. d. jonah rents a kayak and discovers a leak in the bottom of the boat. english