Manusmriti, widely regarded to be the most important and authoritative book on Hindu law and dating back to at least 1,000 years before Christ was born, "acknowledges and justifies the caste system as the basis of order and regularity of society".
According to one long-held theory about the origins of South Asia's caste system, Aryans from central Asia invaded South Asia and introduced the caste system as a means of controlling the local populations. The Aryans defined key roles in society, then assigned groups of people to them.
Now, people have to sneak across the border a lot more and are immigrating for a better life. But, 100 years ago, the regulations weren't as harsh and people were escaping their country for survival/
Hi, So what you do is you go into google docs and go write a poem about whats on you mind or something you read about
Sorry if im making it more confusing i dont have this question but i had a simular question like this but good luck
It takes the place of a noun