1. The address of le musée Rodin est: 77, rue de Varenne, 75007 PARIS.
2. I can’t see the ticket
3. Le musée Marmottan est 2, rue Louis-Boilly.
4. Yes, Le penseur is located in le musée Rodin.
5. Le Baiser en cours de restauration is the name of another sculpture in le musée Rodin.
6. No, you aren’t allowed to touch the sculptures in le musée Rodin.
7. I don’t know it doesn’t say
The plant manager has already recommended the FARO measuring solution to a neighboring engineering company.
Aux Etats-Unis, un garçon qui a sept ans va _à l'__ école primaire.
B) blonds as chevaux is masculin plural
the first one because it means a bear