Burthen - meaning, weight, significance
Loon-a silly or foolish person
Rill-a small stream
Measure-the rhythm of a piece of poetry or music
The words that have been given in the poem have meanings like rill means a small stream, a loon person is one who is silly or a foolish person. Recompense is the reward given for the compensation of the loss.
Burthen is the archaic form of "burden" which means "weight/significance/or meaning". All these words add meaning to the lines of the poem and help the readers understand the meaning of the poems by measuring those.
The tone used in "Sixteen" and "Through the tunnel", is about someone that tries to prove something to somebody else.
The theme used in both novels, is the eager to prove their worth to someone but for "Sixteen" is the need to prove herself to the reader and on the other hand in "Through the tunnel", the character is trying to prove himself to another boys.
The setting is about overcoming the adversity, individualism and finding their true potential.
Both characters try to impress somebody else and grow in the process.
The plot on both stories is about finding courage, the motivation to move forward.
In both novels the point of view we can see it as a "first person" type.
The conflict is trying to stand up and make themselves note and be appreciated by others.
Thts too hard i cant even figure it out myself
Get your greens on
Salmon or water-packed tuna (omega-3 fatty acids).
Hard-boiled eggs.