C. The Treaty of Versallies. This treaty was the most important of the peace treaties that brought an end to World War One. It punished Germany harshly for it's part in the war.
History: The Great Depression and World War II. One of the hardest hit segments of the New Mexico economy during the depression was farming. In 1931, the state’s most important crops were worth only about half of their 1929 value. Dry farmers were especially devastated as they suffered from both continually high operating costs and a prolonged drought that dried up portions of New Mexico so badly that they became part of the Dust Bowl. From Oklahoma to eastern New Mexico, winds picked up the dry topsoil, forming great clouds of dust so thick that it filled the air. On May 28, 1937, one dust cloud, or “black roller,” measuring fifteen hundred feet high and a mile across, descended upon the farming and ranching community of Clayton, New Mexico. The dust blew for hours and was so thick that electric lights could not be seen across the street. Everywhere they hit, the dust storms killed livestock and destroyed crops. In the Estancia Valley entire crops of pinto beans were killed, and that once productive area was transformed into what author John L. Sinclair has called “the valley of broken hearts.”
In all parts of New Mexico, farmland dropped in value until it bottomed out at an average of $4.95 an acre, the lowest value per acre of land in the United States. Many New Mexico farmers had few or no crops to sell and eventually, they were forced to sell their land contributing in the process to the overall decline in farmland values.The depression also hurt New Mexico’s cattle ranchers, for they suffered from both drought and a shrinking marketplace. As grasslands dried up, they raised fewer cattle; and as the demand for beef declined, so did the value of the cattle on New Mexico’s rangelands. Like the farmers, many ranchers fell behind in their taxes and were forced to sell their land, which was bought by large ranchers.Agriculture’s ailing economic condition had a particularly harsh effect on New Mexico, for the state was still primarily rural during the 1930’s, with most of its people employed in raising crops and livestock. Yet farmers and ranchers were not the only ones to appear on the list of those devastated by depressed economic conditions. Indeed, high on the list were the miners, who watched their industry continue the downward slide that had begun in the 1920’s.
Discrimination against people of color has been prominent for centuries in several countries. Today, there are widespread protests and riots for basic human rights, the death of George Floyd in 2020 sparked a revolution. Black children have a different type of "talk" with their parents then white children, its sad that at such a young age it is necessary for them to know that they might not be treated fairly simply because of the color of their skin. However, situations have admittedly improved, the widespread media coverage has allowed for a push in legislation supporting Black people. Therefore, the discrimation against Black people still persists today it is unfortunate that we as human beings can not look past the color of our skin.
La importancia de aceptar una identidad latinoamericana implica un sentimiento de unión y comunidad entre las diversas naciones ubicadas al sur de los Estados Unidos, como México, Argentina, Brasil, Colombia o Perú, entre tantas otras.
A través de la creación y aceptación de la identidad latinoamericana, se generaría un espacio de mayor unión y entendimiento entre estas naciones, lo cual redundaría en la creación de proyectos políticos, económicos, culturales, sociales y estructurales en común, que permitirían acelerar el progreso de la región y garantizar a sus ciudadanos una mayor calidad de vida.
Así, por ejemplo, la aceptación de esta identidad permitiría a América Latina crear un espacio común como lo es la Unión Europea, donde las naciones en pie de igualdad y en reconocimiento de sus características comunes buscarían adoptar proyectos comunes para lograr progresar a nivel regional.
At that time, record sales, radio airplay and jukebox pick where the 3 ways of media diffusion for musicians. People would normally listen to music according to one of these 3 platforms according to their lifestyle and economic position. It is also known that certain music genres could be associated to one or another platform. Therefore, limiting the quantification of reproductions to only one platform would create a bias that would produce a distortion in the information presented.