By mourning, Queen Margaret elicits sympathy from the audience since her laments are proved to be extremely moving. So, the women’s words touch the audience members and they act like feeling pity for her. She developed this throughout the play, and expounds all the violence and tragedy in her entire life.
Dated 10th February 2020
The Editor,
Dawn news
Subject: Request for immediate repair of deplorable roads.Respected Sir,
Through the columns of your esteemed daily newspaper, I wish to highlight the deplorable condition of the main road in liberty market.
The road is full of pot holes since it was never repaired for several years. During the Monsoon season the road gets flooded like a river. During Winter it gets dry and dusty. We have no other option but to breathe the dusty air which causes respiratory diseases. There is also grave danger of road accidents which may cause lost of precious life.
The residents are suffering untold hardships due to the bad and dangerous condition of the road.
Therefore, I request the Municipal Corporation and the higher authorities to survey the road of liberty market and repair the roads at the earliest.
Yours sincerely,
First start simple especially if you don't have anyone working for you yet, sell to family and some friends. Next you want to start out selling to family and friends like I said before, if you start to big you wont be able to supply the demand, I call this the suppliers flow, know how much you are making and how much you can sell your merchandise for . Then be able to make a profit off your clothing, you wont make any money if you sell them for how much you make them for. Social media is a great starter, websites are more for production lines but its your call. You can buy a printer if you want but if not you can probably find someone that knows how to print shirts.
I hope this helps, and good luck selling I hope you enjoy production as it is very fun once you get big and selling a lot.
pretty sure, that's the answer choice.