The answer to your question is honor. Hope this helps and enjoy the rest of your day. :)
Answer:#3 They were so interested that they did not move
All the other are literal. This is the meaning of glued to their seats.
The erosion of our traditional values in the United States have created a harrowing dystopia, in which the lawless are set loose, our historical systems are destroyed, and that oppression is used by those who claim to have the rights to it, but their claims are invalid as they themselves have not experienced what they claim.
Where is the book?
Can you send me pic of the book?
The antagonist is Lily's (protagonist) father, who is struggling with accepting the past
(spoilers if you've never read the novel/seen the movie)
T. Ray, Lily's father, actually has a very complicated mindset. But let's get something out of the way, he is abusive to Lily. He hurt people because he didn't want to deal with his own emotions after Debroah's (mother of Lily) death. That being said, in some absurd way, he does care for Lily. His mindset is like this, and also keep in mind T. Ray was a huge racist too:
Beginning of the story: Hurt and angry, and doesn't know how to process it. He takes it out on Lily.
Middle of the story: Lily left, even more hurt and angry, betrayed also. He needs to find Lily before anyone hurts her (implying the ladies running the bee farm)
End of the story: Lily doesn't want to come home? He doesn't want to hurt her anymore after seeing he protest. So, after the angry rampage, he leaves her be. He accepts that she isn't in danger at all.
I don't want to write the whole thing for you, since I have no clue how you write, and also I believe you can do it! I hope this helps (I've only seen the movie so I could have missed some things)