The correct terms to fill in the blanks are gastric cavity and extracellular. In cnidarians, the mouth of both the medusa and polyp form opens into an internal gastric cavity where extracellular digestion takes place. The polyp and medusa are body forms that can be found in the phylum Cnidaria. The polyp is a nonmotile body form while the medusa is a free swimming body form.
A volcanologist is a geologist who studies the process involved in the formation of a volcano. He also studies the eruptive nature of the volcano along with their current and historic eruptions.
The tasks done by a volcanologist do to study volcanoes are =
1. use autoclaves to imitate the interior of a volcano
2. simulate volcanic explosions with computer programs
3. study lava samples
4. listen to the sounds of the interior of a volcano
Pp or PP
Being heterozygous mean you have one recessive gene(a), one dominate (A). Homozygous dominant means you have only dominate(AA). if you use a Punnett square, it would look like this:
p Pp Pp
This shows only Pp, and PP are the possible genotypes.
D. Geographic separation of a population