They Thought Of It As A Good Way To Make Money
Rizal arrived in Madrid, Spain in 1882. There he studied the practice of Medicine, but his time in Europe allowed him to write a book exposing the Spanish colonial relationship with the Philippines. He then became actively involved in propaganda for a Filipino movement. In his time at Spain he learned how the colonizer was treating the colony. This allowed him to write his work, "Noli Me Tangere" which was published in his time in Germany in 1887. This sparked movements in the Philippines such as anti-colonization.
Answer: The woman took care of the family and the house.
When we talk about women's position in Athenian society, that position was not of significant historical importance. The community in Athens was patriarchal organized. The woman mostly spent time in the house, taking care of the children, and doing housework. That a woman did not have a significant influence in society is also shown by the fact that a woman, even if she was born an Athenian, did not have the right to make political decisions. Even at the time of the birth of Athenian democracy, women did not influence any decision-making, nor did they have the right to vote.