"Two Kinds" is a short story by Amy Tan. The story is narrated from a first-person perspective by the main character, June. She is the daughter of Suyuan, a Chinese immigrant living in America.
At its most fundamental level, the story revolves around the conflict between mother and daughter. Suyuan expects June to be a child prodigy, no matter in which field - singing, dancing, mathematics, acting, playing the piano. June, on the other hand, quickly decides that she does not want to be a prodigy at all, but would rather be mediocre. And that is what she does, her whole life. Thus, the conflict is basically between what the mother wants for her daughter, and what the daughter wants for herself.
First of all, words have to types of meaning, denotation and connotation. A connotation, like this case, refers to the ideas or feelings in a word valued by people. So, is the meaning that ''suggest'' the word.
In this case, pioneer are labeled as such by people, involves values and ideas, like referring to someone that initiated a movement or experiment by a first time.
By providing specific reasons why teenagers are ideal candidates, such as their acceptance of lower wages