Because they had already gone at it with each other sooooo many times before, such as the 100 years war, the 30 years war, the war of spanish succession, and then arguments over north american land
Mercantilism Mercantilism was a sixteenth-century economic philosophy that maintained that a countrys wealth was measured by its holdings of gold and silver (Mahoney, Trigg, Griffin, & Pustay, 1998). This recquired the countries to maximise the difference between its exports and imports by promoting exports and discouraging imports. The logic was transparent to sixteenth-century policy makers-if foreigners buy more goods from you than you buy from them, then the foreigners have to pay you the difference in gold and silver, enabling you to amass more treasure.
They were forced to move out from their ancestral land.
The American-Indian war occurred because the government of the settlers wanted to take ownership over the resources that resided Within the Native's ancestral land.
Since the land was tied to their ancestral history and cultural origin, the Native refuse to give it. So, both parties engaged in the battle.
The technological advancement that's possessed by the settlers made the tide of war turn in their favor. As a result, the native Americans were forcefully removed from their home and scattered all across North America.
The appropriate response is Valley Forge. It was not the best place to set up winter camp for the Continental Army, as it was not able to shield southern Pennsylvania at the time. This area additionally left the defenseless under-provided armed force in the striking separation of the British, who were very much provisioned and secured in Philadelphia.
It would be the fourth one, he had few resources to fight off challengers.