The main way that the Holocaust helps us find similarities that go beyond race, culture and nationality, is that now this horrible even in history is almost universally condemned in Europe, meaning almost everyone does not like war.
A divided regional identity (with a bit of national unity) developed.
Politics: Some contributed (voting rights) to unity, others (nullification) clearly divided the country.
Economics: Market revolution was a bit of both but Tariffs and the clash between the industrial north and the agricultural south was dividing the country and contributed to a regional identity.
Foreign Policy: The war of 1812 united the country; the westward expansion was uniting and dividing at the same time.
As we take in account that Economics is always the most important thing for the general public, the regional identity grew more than the national unity did.
They rejected it because they did not want the United States to get involved in foreign wars.
the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.
2nd question- in 1733, the philosopher who has been credited with ushering in the french enlightenment , francois marie arout de voltaire , published a pivotal work entitled letters concerning the english nation.
The answer is A) General Anthony Wayne's victory at the Battle of Fallen timbers. That had a big impact, and changed things up.