First of all my super spot is unique because the kind warmth I feel when I think about it makes me feel protected, my super spot also provides me the freedom I need to relax myself and stop thinking about worries and the rest of my responsibilities. Second, my super spot has awakened a very deep sense of analyze and insight in me, I can’t stop thinking about my acts and all the good I get from them. Third, my super spot makes me dream about giving all of me to any task I have to perform, it helps me define myself and feel me the best I can, my super spot is just the intern fire I feel when I don’t find strength to do something.
The answer is the figurative language describes the violence of the scene. The poem used figurative language in order to give emphasis on important details that makes it sound like poetic. Figurative language are used in order to symbolize or give meaning to an idea in a not so obvious way.