They believed this because the British harshly collected taxes from the poor peasants and forcefully occupied their land which caused wide disturbance in village economy
Poor workers were often housed in cramped, grossly inadequate quarters. Working conditions were difficult and exposed employees to many risks and dangers, including cramped work areas with poor ventilation, trauma from machinery, toxic exposures to heavy metals, dust, and solvents.
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Who would feel shock and dismay about what?
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Commercial speech is one of the categories of speech that enjoys lesser protection under the First Amendment.
Two types of commercial speech in particular, are given less or null protection: false advertising, and misleading advertising. The justification is to protect the rights of consumers, and of other companies.
If Pizza Hut prints materials that are untruthful about Papa John's, then Pizza Hut is committing misleading advertising, because it is spreading false information about its direct competitor. In this scenario, Pizza Hut could easily sue Papa John's in court, and win the case.