The ability to lift a weight 12 times or more is not optimal for growing muscle mass. If you can't lift a weight eight or more times you are also not optimally building muscle mass. Generally speaking, the target goal for lifting weights to build muscle is anywhere between eight and 12 reps.
Some health benefits is that it reduces health risks, it can help improve your mood and it helps control your weight
Phone- Gives the connection to society and their friends. Allows them to post, share and do online activity.
Car- Gives them freedom and allows them to go places. Let’s them go wherever they please including away from people they might not like.
Bed- Lets them sleep and is very comfortable. Sleep feels good to the body.
Wallet- Holds their money. Their wallet allows them to boy items they want and need
Credit Card- Thy can buy whatever they please
Pinch the cuffs of the glove with your thumb and index finger and peel off the glove then you want to tightly ball up the removed glove in your other hand that still has a glove on, so its not hanging down, you then are going to take you index finger of your un-gloved hand and put it under the cuff of the other glove and push down, peeling it off. Then after that you just thow the gloves away and wash your hands of course.
This is how I saw someone do it, So hope this helps