The war in mexico drove a lot of mexicans out of there homeland and into America. Alot of mexican imigrants live in america and pay taxes to the u.s.
It's A.
I watched the video on it and then I took the Quiz and got it right.
You're Welcome
According to Richard Neustadt landmark book,"Presidential Power" he argued that the president's most fundamental power is the power to persuade. He said "Effective influence for the man in the White House stems from three related sources: first are the bargaining advantages inherent in his job with which to persuade other men that what he wants of them is what their own responsibilities require them to do. Second are the expectations of those other men regarding his ability and will to use the various advantages they think he has. Third are those men's estimates of how his public views him and how their publics may view them if they do what he wants."
Answer: The reason it wasn't cold because it was an expression of the cold war, and plus it was mainly because so many people was dying and the war lasted a long time.
THE HOLLYWOOD'S Amazing Disney studios helped the Americans in their war time of 1942 to 45 in making many war training and propaganda movies which attract a lot of supporters towards America in world war 2. they have made films for almost for ever department of American Army.