Question 1 The world's population is spread very unevenly. Some spaces are empty or very sparsely populated: we speak of human deserts:
• Cold polar environments are the least populated regions: the ground, frozen permanently, prevents any form of agriculture, the very low temperatures make the habitat difficult.
• The hot or cold desert environments are also not busy: the lack of rain and the strong heat during the day limit the activities of men. The only exceptions are oases.
• The role of relief is more difficult to define. High temperate mountains like the Alps are generally sparsely populated but tropical chains like the Andes have a high population density. However, men have generally settled in the plains, in the valleys (along with the rivers) and on the coasts.
There are also other factors unrelated to land factors that influence population density such as job availability, or even historical factors.
Question 2: Birth rate:
The birth rate (sometimes called the crude birth rate) is the ratio of the annual number of births to the average total population for that year. When the population grows, the contact between people will be more permanent, and it will increase the marriage rate, and thus the birth rate. Age structure:The age structure is a mode of graphical representation of the structure (of age as well as of sex) of a population which constitutes a synthetic image of the past, present and future of the population.When a population resides for a long time in the same place (in favorable conditions, not raising the death rate and without moving), this will vary the age structure by observing an increase in the elderly population.
A change that occurs in muscles at the anaerobic threshold is that the body begins to convert to fermentation instead of the Krebs Cycle.
The answer is (D)
Composting helps in manufacturing of manure which is very very healthy for the plants.
Reusing , reusing plastic bags can be helpful for the environment
Recycling , can be used to convert plastic into other useful substance , which is an advantage for the environment.
Incinerating is the process of burning waste materials , due to this , there is a smoke emission which is very harmful for the environment.
I think it’s the glomerulus, hope this helps