When a employment selection instrument is related to job success, the instrument is said to have validity.
2 plantation system of the Caribbean
Private hospital is run in order to create profit for the shareholders, which rely on capital raised by shareholders for its operation
Non-profit hospital is not run to create profit. Usually, rely on charity for the expense of its operation.
Religious hospital is usually owned by an individual that has a strong relation with a certain religion. This place usually integratin medical help with religious service in its treatment
Government hospital is owned by the states and is operated with taxpayer's money
Answer:a. shows low resistance to extinction; shows high resistance to extinction
According to psychology, extinction occurs when a conditioned response is slowly eliminated or weakned which over time will result to that behavior being extinct. This means a conditioned behavior is completely eliminated
An example is when you whistle to a dog all the time to come and get food and the dog starts to drool all time at the thought of whistling associated with food , if you gradually start to whistle without carrying the food with you the dog will stop salivating or drooling.
In classical conditioning, when a conditioned stimulus is provided without an unconditioned stimulus the conditioned response eventually get extinct.
Jeremy is not resistant towards getting rid of the gambling behaviour because when he start gambling and is no longer getting paid off he immediately stops so when an unconditioned stimulus is taken away , he stops gambling and if this keeps happening gradually his behavior of gambling will be extinct.
Jessica on the other side continues even when the unconditioned stimulus (being paid off )is taken away she still continues to gamble so she is resistance towards stoping her gambling behavior.