Convert all the fractions into decimals so we can see better which is greater and which a smaller.
Simply divide the top by its bottom to get the decimal.
5/6 = 0.8333...
2/6 = 0.3333...
6/6 = 1
We can clearly see the least to greatest numbers.
0.3333..., 0.8333..., 1
I believe 10.42 if you add try this if its not on their try dividing by 2
∠ 2 = 45°
Step-by-step explanation:
∠ 1 and ∠ 2 are same- side interior angles and are supplementary, thus
∠ 2 = 180° - ∠ 1 = 180° - 135° = 45°
Almost got it!
x + 3 = 3(y + 2)/2 [Multiplied both sides by 3]
so x + 3 = (3y + 6)/2
2(x + 3) = 3y + 6 [Multiplied both sides by 2]
2x + 6 = 3y + 6
2x = 3y [Subtracted 6 from both sides]
x = 3y/2 [Divided both sides by 2]
x/3 = y/2 [Divided both sides by 3]
So you wrote y/3 instead of y/2
Hope this helped!
Step-by-step explanation:
Step one:
given data
3,700 mile
In scienctific notation or in standard form 3,700 mile is expressed as