A sheave keeps an elevator from moving side to side and further details in discussed below in detail.
A sheave is a lifter with a grooved edge surface, at the head of the elevator shaft. ... The cords that uplift the car are also joined to a counterweight, which stretches down on the other front of the sheave [and typically estimates about the mass of the car itself plus 42–50 percent of the complete weight it can sustain.
After the death of King Solomon (sometime around 930 B.C.) the kingdom split into a northern kingdom, which retained the name Israel and a southern kingdom called Judah, so named after the tribe of Judah that dominated the kingdom
heat is transferred through solids from one particle to another particle or from the pan to the egg
D) WHO = World Health Organization
Who stands for world health organization that is the correct answer.
d. the interest rate adjusts to balance the supply of, and demand for, money.
In Keynes's view, the interest rate is the premium that economic agents get for delaying the consumption that satisfies them. This is why people decide to save rather than consume. Thus, the consumer decides between present consumption or future consumption, depending on the attractiveness of the interest rate practiced in the market. In other words, the interest rate acts as the beacon between supply and demand for money. When the interest rate is attractive, savers forgo current consumption and save for extra income.