B) It was a major achievement when it was declared "separate but equal" was unconstitutional.
Prior to the Brown v. the Board of Education Supreme Court case in 1954, there was a a doctrine in American Constitution law known as "separate but equal". This doctrine allowed people to be segregated by race in public facilities such as schools, trains and bars, as long as the quality of service remained the same.
The Supreme Court in the Brown v. the Board of Education case, ruled that “separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.”
Therefore, the "separate but equal" doctrine which supported black and white students attending different public schools, was rendered unconstitutional.
yeah of course,The point of view has completely changed.
when we compare the point of view in 16th century of her beauty of monalisa to the present day ,some would say its not.thats because of modernization and change of human lifestyle which affects point of view.specially the background of this beauty may not appear because of modernization of human.specially there are many fields people that are more attached to beauty in daytodaylives
The correct answers are 2, 3, and 5
What are goals in social studies?
The National Council for Social Studies (NCSS) cited in Parker (2001) states that the primary purpose of Social Studies is to help young people develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.
The large thoughts of the Enlightenment genuinely had a huge impact on our Founding Fathers. The ideas of the social agreement, natural legal guidelines and herbal rights, and separation of powers, are all determined in our Founding documents, just like the United States of America and the statement of Independence.
The large ideas of the Enlightenment without a doubt had a large effect on our Founding Fathers. The ideas of the social contract, natural legal guidelines and natural rights, and separation of powers, are all discovered in our Founding documents, like the US charter and the declaration of Independence.
The Enlightenment now and again called the Age of Enlightenment, become an overdue seventeenth- and 18th-century intellectual movement emphasizing cause, individualism, and skepticism.
The founders of us were deeply encouraged by republicanism, by means of Locke, and via the optimism of the EU Enlightenment. George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson all concurred that laws, in place of guys, should be the very last sanction and that authorities have to be accountable to the governed.
Learn more about enlightenment