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How were the conditions and sentiments in Germany similar to those in Italy in the 1920s
Germany and Italy were republics with weak governments that were unable to keep order and prevent economic distress, her citizens believed that they had been wronged in the treaties after World War I and Italy and Germany had governments that were fascist dictatorships by late 19
Answer:A senator's term of office is six years and approximately one-third of the total membership of the Senate is elected every two years. Hope this helps!
The Egyptians failed to adapt to the new changes of their world. There are multiple books on this and it is very interesting.
The creation of the first personal computer
According to the United Nations' Human development Index, many countries with very high development are located in Europe and Australia. As defined in Wikipedia, Human development index is a composite statistic of life expectancy, education and income per capital indicators, which are used to rank countries into four tiers of human development.