B.) "It was just as well, for the slant in the deck was steeper, and even the carefree were growing uneasy."
Hope this helps!!!
There should be more to this so I can answer question
The author uses metaphor, personification, hyperbole, and onomatopeias as it is explained below.
- A metahpor is used to make readers understand the connection between the two words but doesn't literally make sense. For example: a) You are <u>frozen</u> as the <u>clouds</u>, b) You are <u>far and sweet</u> as <u>the high clouds</u>.
- Personification which means to give human characteristics to inanimate objects, example: I dare <u>touch</u> the rim of<u> your brightness.</u>
- Hyperbole: is an outrageous exaggeration that emphasizes a point. It tends toward the ridiculous or the funny. In this sense, the author states: I <u>leap</u> beyond <u>the winds</u>, For my throat is keen as a sword. Sharpened on a hone of ivory.
- Onomatopoeia. My throat sings the joy of my eyes
Going to school and educating yourself on the career you want to pursue.