6. Which choice describes how the authors of the texts interpret the fact that 100 Oaks Park will soon open most of its trails t
o cyclists differently? O The author of Keep Cyclists Out of 100 Oaks Park views it as something that will interfere with the ability of current users to enjoy the park, while the author of Let Cyclists Share Our Park view it as a way
to allow more individuals to enjoy the park
O The author of Keep Cyclists Out of 100 Oaks Park views it as something that most people will embrace, while the author of Let Cyclists Share Our Parkviews it as a change that will be difficult for many
people to accept
O The author of Keep Cyclists Out of 100 Oaks Park views it as something that will discourage people from exercising, while the author of Let Cyclists Share Our Park view it as something that will
encourage people to spend more time outside
O The author of Keep Cyclists Out of 100 Oaks Parkviews it as something that could pose a threat to hikers' safety, while the author of Let Cyclists Share Our Parkviews it as a change that could help make
the park more secure