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Part 1 – Mastering Story Structure
Part 2 – Freytag's Pyramid
Part 3 – The Hero's Journey
What is the Hero’s Journey?
The 12 Steps of the Hero’s Journey
Free Infographic: The Hero’s Journey Template
Looking beyond the Hero’s Journey
Part 4 – Three-Act Structure
Part 5 – The Dan Harmon Story Circle
Part 6 – The Fichtean Curve
Part 7 – Save the Cat
Part 8 – The 7-Point Story Structure
Ever notice that many stories seem to have a similar pattern? There’s always a protagonist who goes on an adventure, makes new friends, encounters roadblocks, fights a bad guy, and returns home a changed person. In fact, we can sum it up for you in two words: Hero’s Journey.
In the story "The Princess and the Puma," O. Henry tells the story of a woman called Josefa, a man called Givens, and their encounter with a puma. In the story, O. Henry draws on several themes, events and characters from myths and other traditional stories.
For example, O. Henry draws on the theme of love, as he shows how far the two people are willing to go with their lies and their tales in order to protect their image in front of the person they love.
O. Henry also draws on an event common in myths, which is the fight between hero and beast. However, instead of the hero of this story succeeding, he is saved by a woman. This is a new take on a traditional subject.
Finally, O. Henry draws upon characters such as princesses, knights and lions that come from traditional stories and applies them in a modern Mexican setting.
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