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C. Water will move into the cell through osmosis. The salt and water concentrations will become similar inside and outside the cell.
Osmosis is the movement of water from its higher concentration to the lower concentration through a semi permeable membrane. Here, the cell have higher salt concentration and lower water concentration as compared to its outside. Since cell membrane is semi permeable, salt cannot pass through it. So, water will move into the cell through osmosis to equalize the salt and water concentration on either side of cell membrane.
Blood<span> is a heterogeneous </span>mixture<span> because the </span>blood<span> cells are physically separate from the </span>blood<span> plasma. The cells have different properties than the plasma. The cells can be separated from the plasma by centrifuging, which is a physical change. Since it can be separated mechanically, it is not a chemical compound</span>
another word for life cycle
What following ? actually the cell will gain more water by diffusion and will let more sodium chloride ions in because they will move from high concentration to low concentration