A feedback loop is a biological occurrence where the output of a system amplifies the system (positive feedback) or inhibits the system (negative feedback).
Example, during blood clotting, a cascade of enzymic proteins acitvates each other, leading to the formation of fibrin clot that prevents further blood loss.
What class is this if you can tell me I tried to look it up but I don’t know
(A) The cell is unable to carry out the photosynthesis. ❌
(B) The cell is able to carry out the photosynthesis. ✔️
C) The cell has chloroplasts, cell wall and mitochondria. ✔️
(D) The cell doesn't not have chloroplasts, cell wall and fixed shape. ❌
Because men have an x and a y and women have 2 x's, but sometimes a man can only have a y and a women can only have an x so it messed up