That would be A
Explanation: You always put a commas after the last word before it starts a quote and when a proper noun is used, with or without quotes, place a comma after it.
Two variables have a positive association when the values of one variable tend to increase as the values of the other variable increase. Two variables have a negative association when the values of one variable tend to decrease as the values of the other variable increase.
Which language is this...xd...not understandable
The league states that it has over 500,000 members and supporters. The League of Women Voter's primary purpose is to encourage voting by registering voters, providing voter information, and advocating for voting rights.
ART A: How do the siblings' reactions to their mother's letters contribute to the theme of the text? A. The siblings are shocked, contributing to the theme that people are not always as they seem. ... The brother condemns their mother but the sister sympathizes with her, contributing to the theme of forgiving loved ones.