many buyers and sellers
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that this situation violates the perfect competition assumption of many buyers and sellers. This is a model that many buyers and sellers in a competitive market agree on a single market price, and that no individual has influence over the price. Therefore if a single company, like Dell in this scenario, is able to influence the price then it is violating this assumption.
The simple rate of return is 37.5%
Simple rate of return is the percentage of return on investment that takes the net annual return cash flow of an investment and compare with initial capital of the investment. It is calculated with this formula:
<u>Total annual return - Depreciation expense</u>
Initial capital outlay
For farmer Joe, the simple rate of return is:
<u>$20,000 + $25,000 + $30,0000 -$0</u> x 100
= <u>$75,000</u> x 100
= 37.5%
Depreciation expense is assumed to be zero.
a. Outperform.
b. Gatekeepers.
c. Leveraging.
d. Value creation.
e. Producer.
A platform can be defined as a type of business model that creates value or focuses on assisting participants by facilitating exchanges and interactions between two or more interdependent groups of participants, who are mostly consumers and producers of finished goods and services.
This simply means that, a platform usually creates an effective and efficient market or community network with needed resources, for better interaction and transaction among various participants. Some examples of a platform business are brainly, airbnb, apple, microsoft, uber etc.
The notable characteristics and advantages of a platform business are;
a. Platform businesses tend to frequently outperform pipeline businesses.
b. Platforms scale more efficiently than pipelines by eliminating gatekeepers.
c. Platform businesses leveraging digital technology can grow much faster.
d. Platforms unlock new sources of value creation and supply.
e. Feedback loops from consumers to the producers allow platforms to fine-tune their offerings and to benefit from big data analytics.
Break Even Point
In Units = 2,000 units
In value = $80,000
Break even Point = 
When we use contribution per unit, we get the break even point in units sales.
When we use the contribution margin as a percentage of sales we get break even sales in value.
Contribution per unit = $20
Contribution margin in percentage = $20/$40 = 50%
Therefore, Break even Point in units = 
Break even units = 2,000
Break Even Point in value = 
Sales to be made in value at break even = $80,000
a. involve a high degree of trust and confidence.
A fiduciary relationship exist when an individual places responsibilities on the other party, to help him carry out duties or act for the benefit of the party. It is otherwise called a confidential relationship and it requires special trust, confidence and reliance.